Daniel Sandner

Daniel has always had a knack for creative storytelling. As a lifelong film aficionado, Daniel understands the intricacies of telling a compelling story, with a keen eye and a passion for the craft. With almost a decade of experience in filmmaking, from camera operation to editing, sound, music, and even more of the video production pipeline, Daniel can help bring your vision to life.

A native to Colorado, Daniel loves the rugged mountains and all the adventures they hold. Outside of videography, exploring the high country, whether by jeep or on foot, is his favorite activity.

A History of Creative Storytelling

Out of This World Entertainment is a video production company specializing in creative filmmaking. The company was founded in 2014, growing exponentially over the years with work ranging from short films to advertising. Out of This World Entertainment is incredibly versatile, producing highly creative videos for weddings, live productions, concerts, banquets, photo shoots, sporting events, conferences, movie trailers, testimonials, and much more! The company operates on the principles of simplicity and affordability without compromising quality, with the belief that anyone should be able to tell a story if they just put their mind to it.

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Our Professional Toolkit